This study is based on a large-scale household survey and in-depth interviews of key informants...
MainCategory :
This paper analyzes the decentralized and participatory funding processes established by national governments in response...
During 2005-2006, the Foundation for Studies and Research on Women (FEIM) examined the availability of...
This study investigated the management of the drug supplies for common and life threatening diseases...
The role of skilled birth attendants is widely acknowledged as being critical to addressing maternal...
This paper uses new research to explore the factors that shape maternal health outcomes in...
Lessons and recommendations are summarized in this report. Social and cultural factors dissuade women from...
Study combines data from a survey and a choice experiment to compare women’s preferences with...
The intervention results indicate that delivery life support training to rural careproviders increases their capacity...
In Ethiopia, severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is one of the leading cause of deaths among...
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