Background: Non-Communicable Diseases are chronic health conditions that tend to have a long...
Organization :
In India, healthcare costs are increasing and India’s health financing system is exacerbating economic burden...
As promised in the Millennium Development Goals, stopping new HIV infections and reversing the AIDS...
INTRODUCTION: Since the introduction of antiretroviral treatment (ART) in 1996, the incidence of AIDS-defining cancers...
US gender-based violence interventions deal mainly with females and fail to address boy victims at...
An equitable allocation of resources for health is an important prerequisite for achieving Universal Health...
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the formal decision space district authorities are allowed; what they do with...
Background: As a way of increasing objectivity and transparency in the allocation of financial resources...
INTRODUCTION: This study seeks to assess the quality of community home-based care (CHBC) services provided...
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has transformed the management of HIV/AIDS, but optimal treatment outcomes depend on...
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