Background: In Indonesia, efforts to enhance quality of midwives include national competency test and accreditation...
MainCategory :
BACKGROUND: Diagnostic tests are generally used in situations with similar pre-test probability of disease to...
A paper addressing the widespread epidemiological transition associated with economic development, challenges that health systems...
Lower levels of maternal education were associated with higher maternal mortality even amongst women able...
RESPOND works to increase the use of high-quality family planning services. It addresses the unmet...
The objective of this report is to review barriers to access health services for selected...
In the second part of this special report we launch the public discussion on the...
This paper examines the right to access contraceptive information and services for women and adolescents....
This toolkit lays out what the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and...
The purpose of this guide is to explain why it is necessary to ground health...
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