This paper describes the development and validation of a proxy wealth index for assessing women's...
MainCategory :
Laboratory services are an essential and fundamental part of all health systems.This guidance document ...
This paper analyzes the major underlying reasons for the lack of rural health insurance in...
The paper describes the development and implementation of a personal digital assistant (PDA)-based electronic system...
On line tool: MME Info, Maternal Mortality Estimates Info. This is a comprehensive data visualization...
Key issues with regard to human resources in the devolution of health services are highlighted,...
Migrant populations in western societies like The Netherlands have a higher prevalence of diabetes compared...
This study analyses the effect of enrolment in the public health insurance scheme known as...
This article discusses a laboratory training programme in Ghana which aimed to strengthen the skills...
BACKGROUND: The Leishmania OligoC-TesT and NASBA-Oligochromatography (OC) were recently developed for simplified and standardised molecular...
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