Mohamed Abdou


Mohamed Abdouis a Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Applied Science at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is also the Director of The Center for Energy Science and Technology (CESTAR) and the Director of the Fusion Science and Technology Center at UCLA. He is the President of The US Council of Energy Research and Education Leaders (CEREL). He received his PhD in nuclear engineering from the University of Wisconsin and worked as Department Head at Argonne National Laboratory and Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology prior to joining UCLA.

Prof. Abdou is one of the world?s most recognized leaders of fusion science and technology. He has published >350 scholarly journal papers on creative designs of fusion experimental facilities and power plants, development pathways, and on experiment, modeling, and analysis for neutronics, tritium transport, MHD thermofluids, thermomechanics and materials.

Prof. Abdou is the Chair of the International Standing Committee for Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) and he promotes and leads many collaborative activities among the US, Japan, Europe, Russia, China and Korea. He leads the US program on FNST and the Blanket Testing Program for ITER - an international fusion project under construction in France.

Prof. Abdou won many honors and recognition for his pioneering technical contributions and leadership in nuclear and fusion science and engineering in the US and internationally. These include the American Nuclear Society Outstanding Achievement Award, Secretary of Energy Distinguished Associate Award, and Fusion Power Associates leadership award. He is a fellow of the American Nuclear Society and "Einstein Professor" of the Chinese Academy of Science.

For more detailed CV, please see web site:
