Heike Möller, M.A.


Heike Möller, M.A. is a research assistant at the University of Cologne working on the CeramAlex-Project, a German-French collaboration concerning Greco-Roman pottery in Alexandria and its chora. Since 2009, she has been supervising the pottery analysis of the Chimtou Project/Tunisia (DAI Rom).

For her pottery studies, she joined several projects in Greece - Akovitika (Univ. Freiburg), Turkey - Milet (Univ. Freiburg/DAI Istanbul), Alexandria/Egypt (CEAlex), Schedia/Egypt (Univ. Cologne) and Tunisia - Thugga (Univ. Freiburg) and is writing her PhD about pottery in the Marmarica/Egypt of Greco-Roman times in the frame of the Eastern Marmarica Survey (Univ. Halle-Wittenberg), financed by a scholarship of the Gerda Henkel Foundation (2008-2011). She studied Classical Archaeology, Prehistory and Ancient History at the Albert Ludwigs-University Freiburg/Germany and Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)/France from 1999-2005.

List of Publications
H. Möller, A. K. Rieger, Pottery from the Eastern Marmarica (Egypt) - a semi-arid region as producer and mediator in Ptolemaic, Roman and Late Roman time, in: LRCW 4. 4th International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Ware, Cooking Ware and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry. Thessaloniki, 7-10 April 2011, (Oxford 2014) 113-124.

H. Möller, A. K. Rieger, The Eastern Marmarica (NW-Egypt) - Pottery Production and Networking in a Semiarid Region, in: N. Fenn, C. Römer-Strehl (Hrsg.), Networks in the Hellenistic World. According to the pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond, (Oxford 2013) 255-260.

A. K. Rieger, T. Vetter, O. Klammer, H. Möller, Ancient Traffic and Grazing Infrastructure in the Marmarican Desert Areas (Northwestern Egypt). In: H. Riemer, F. Förster (Hrsg.), Desert Road Archaeology in the Eastern Sahara, (Köln 2013) 455-484.

H. Möller, E. Pamberg, C. Touhiri, Keramikbearbeitung aus dem Bereich des sog. Kaiserkultbaus und des Forums, in: M. Khanoussi, P. V. Rummel (Hrsg.), Simmithus (Chimtou, Tunesien) Vorbericht über die Aktivit�ten 2009-2012, RM 118, 2012, 179-222.

P. Gunia, A. Baher, H. Möller, CeramAlex - ein Datenbankprojekt zur Erschließung hellenistischer und römischer Fundkeramik aus Ägypten, in KuBA/2012, 253-261.

A. K. Rieger, H. Möller, "Northern Libyan Desert Ware" - some news on shell tempered ware and other handmade pottery from the Eastern Marmarica (NW-Egypt), Libyan Studies 43, 2012, 11-31.

A. K. Rieger, T. Vetter, H. Möller, The Desert Dwellers of Marmarica, Western Desert: Second Millenium BCE to First Millenium CE, in: H. Barnard, K. Duistermaart (Hrsg.), The History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert, (Los Angeles 2012) 156-174.

A. K. Rieger, H. Möller, Kilns, Commodities and Consumers - Greco-Roman Pottery Production in the Eastern Marmarica (Northwestern Egypt), AA 2011/1, 141-170.

E. Kalogeroudi, H. Möller, Die Funde. In: M. Kiderlen, P. G. Themelis (Hrsg.), Struktur und Entwicklungszusammenhang des "Poseidonheiligtums" bei Akovitika/Messenien in geometrischer bis archaischer Zeit: Aufarbeitung der Ergebnisse der Notgrabung von 1969 und neue Prospektion 2005 (2010).

H. Möller, Amphoren, in: M. Khanoussi, S. Ritter (Hrsg.), Thugga III � Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Thugga. Die Ausgrabungen südlich der Maison du Trifolium 2001-2003, (in print).

A. K. Rieger, H. Möller, Th. Vetter et al., On the route to Siwa: The Roadhouse of Abar al Kanayis on the Marmarica-Plateau, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 68, (in print).

H. Möller, A. K. Rieger, T. Vetter et al., Locally made pottery along the routes of the Libyan Plateau in Greco-Roman times - first results of petrographical observations on calcareous clay-fabrics in the Eastern Marmarica (accepted for Cahiers de la Céramique Égyptienne 10).


Within the framework of the German-French cooperation supported by the DFG and ANR, the Archaeological Institute in Cologne and the Centre d�Études Alexandrines have been leading an interdisciplinary project since 2011 on the research of Ptolemaic and Roman pottery in Egypt. Using the finds from stratified excavations in Alexandria, the analysis and results of the previous decades have been standardized and entered into a database with an enclosed web interface. This research constitutes the basis for further studies concerning many aspects of research, including pottery and scientific and economic questions.

Using the recorded pottery data of Ptolemaic and Roman stratified finds in Egypt, the phases for data modelling will be explained and discussed in. Thereby the focus will be on data sources originating from different research terms. This data has been consistently collected and has been merged to present one of the central research aims of the CeramAlex project.