Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East
The Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) is an international synchrotron radiation under the auspices of UNESCO.

Scientists from member countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Bahrain, Pakistan, Cyprus and the Palestinian Authority and observer countries such as Iran, Greece, Kuwait, Russia, USA, UK have been meeting annually since 2002 with the aim of presenting their work in the field, discussing the latest developments in the project and spreading the word about SESAME and strengthening contacts in the SESAME users community.

The goals of these meetings have always been aiming to raise the awareness about this multinational project, discuss the machine specifications and to attract young researchers for its utilization.

The success of these users meeting is reflected in the gradually growing number of participants attending in each meeting.