Chinese Delegation Visit
A Chinese delegation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences that included 5 scientists and the Program Director of the Division of Asian and African Affairs from the Chinese Academy of Science visited the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Scientists were from the fields of Agriculture, Genetics and Developmental Biology. They were escorted by the First Secretary for Science and Technology, Chinese Embassy, and Professors from the National Research Center.

Dr. Mervat Foda, Director of the Office for International relationships, National Research Center, also joined the delegation visit.

The guests were welcomed by the CSSP team where throughout their tour at the BA, they expressed their admiration of the BA building and facilities, as well as its activities.

Followed by a meeting with the CSSP team, the Chinese scientists shared their opinion concerning international collaboration. This meeting was part of the project with the University of Toronto, Canada, on South-South collaboration.

They shared their experience in particular weighing between the North and the South as collaborating partners. From their point of view, the major motivation for international collaboration is common problems in the collaborating countries and similar underlying environment. On the other hand, major obstacles are language difference and communication problems.

At the end of the meeting, the Chinese guests donated to the Library some books and CDs as sign of their appreciation of the leading role of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.