TWAS 5thAnnual Meeting
On 21 and 22 December 2009, the CSSP will hold the 5th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World-Arab Region Office (TWAS-ARO). The meeting will take place at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina with the topic of discussion being "Science Supercourse: A new tool for knowledge dissemination in the Arab Region".

This year the 5th Annual Meeting aims to bring together TWAS-ARO members who are experts in Medicine and Public Health, Information Technology, Engineering, Environment and Agriculture for the main purpose of sharing their knowledge and expertise to boost the Science Supercourse Project. TWAS-ARO members are invited to give presentations on a topic of their choice, related to the above fields. They will also discuss ideas on how the project could be used to facilitate and enhance the teaching and propagation of knowledge in the region. Among which will be
Prof. Moustafa El-Sayed
, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Georgia Institute of Technology and US National Medal of Science laureate who will also give a lecture on the 22 December on Beating Cancer Cells with Gold Nano-particles. Prof. El-Sayed's lecture will be a continuation of his previous lectures featuring the newest findings and techniques in gold-nano particles cancer treatment.

TWAS-ARO members, will also have a closed meeting, on the second day, in which the achievements and future plans of the regional office will be discussed.

The meeting attendance will be by invitation only.
A group photo of the meeting attendees