CSSP's Yearly Get together: CSSP Eighth Anniversary
For the third consecutive year, the CSSP celebrated its 8thanniversary by holding the "CSSP's Yearly Get-together", on 14 September 2011 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina's main building at Fourth Floating Room.
Former and current CSSP members gathered to socialize and share experience in a friendly evening.

This year the gathering was rather different, an initiative by one of the CSSP Volunteers Salma Kamel, Student, Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University, created an informal and funny movie about the CSSP, the movie was displayed during the gathering, to wrap it with a friendly atmosphere.
This initiative reflects how the CSSP always encourages young minds to share their views and vision.

The celebration was inaugurated by a brief welcome by Dr. Mohamed El-Faham, Director of the CSSP, then the above mentioned short video was displayed.

Every member shared their experience within the CSSP, their current positions and the achievements that they have accomplished since they left the CSSP, in addition to how the CSSP gave them the needed push to continue with their professional lives.

It is worth mentioning that the CSSP was officially inaugurated in July 2003 and has, ever since, showed quality in its work and demonstrated excellence and intellectual rigor implemented in a spirit of professionalism and cost-effective position.