The Beacon for Freedom of Expression
The "Alexandria Statement" issued on 14 March 2004, stated that "genuine democracy requires guaranteed freedom of expression in all its forms, chief among which is freedom of the press, audio-visual and electronic media and canceling any form of censorship on intellectual and cultural activities to support freedom of thought, augment creativity and free it from any religious, traditional, private, or political authority under the pretext of public interest. The advance of nations depends on guaranteeing freedom to all intellectual and creative thinkers."

The statement also confirmed the need to "exempt the Arab cultural production from any kind of censorship or customs regulations in all Arab countries," and finally it recommended establishing "an Arab Reform Forum at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to act as an open forum for initiatives, intellectual dialogue and Arab projects."

The Beacon for Freedom of Expression Project, and the conferences stemming from it in 2003 and 2004 were a part of the general expression of the needs of the world to raise awareness about these issues, and summon people to make the changes needed in their countries, institutions and organizations.