Announcement of the Research Grants 2005/2006 first phase winners
The CSSP has organized an event with the title Research Grants 2005 Day" that aimed at the announcement of the top listed candidates of the first phase selection of the Research Grants 2005/2006.

The celebration was inaugurated by a presentation by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the BA and Dr. Mohamed El-Faham, Director of the CSSP.

During the celebration, presentations were given by winners of the BA/CSSP Research Grants 2004/2005 and later, the names of the 28 top listed candidates to enter the final phase of selection were announced.
Some of the Research Grants nominees during the opening session presentation
Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of Bibliotheca Alexandria during his opening session presentation
Group photo of the Research Grants nominees and the organizing team
Dr. Mohamed El-Faham during his presentation
Research Grant 2004 winner during his presentation
Research Grants first phase winners in a round table discussion
Research Grants first phase winners in a round table discussion