Sketch your Future
The Youth for Environmental Sustainability and Better Understanding (YESBU) organized a conference entitled "Sketch Your Future" that focused to display and demonstrate the various differences between the school and the university studying systems.

The conference brought about many representatives from different faculties in order to give a good range of information about their colleges. This intended to give the school students a good idea of they will be studying in the college they choose to enter.

The conference aimed to convey the message of: "Be what you want regardless the university you enter".

The "Sketch Your Future" conference is planned to take place annually at the time between the appearance of the "Secondary Certificate" results and the University Entry presentment procedures.
Mr. Ahmed Gouda, representing the Faculty of Engineering   
Ms. Nada Rady, representative of the Faculty of Languages (Al Alsun) college   
Sketch your Future conference audience   
Advice given to school students when choosing their colleges   
Dr. Mohamed El-Faham, Director of the CSSP, giving his lecture entitled "Words written from 40 years" sharing his experience with the school students   
Representative of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine   
Ms. Maha Fawzy, representative of Faculty of Fine Arts