DIES-Workshop: Proposal Writing for International Research Projects
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in cooperation with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, is a organizing an intensive course entitled "Proposal Writing for International Research Projects".

This course is part of the DIES (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) series of the DAAD and the German Rectors Conference (HRK), which will take place at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt.

The course is being organized by DAAD, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the University of Bonn, the University of Kassel and the Free University of Berlin.

The DIES Workshop will consist of two parts:

The first part is aimed at training scholars interested in international research cooperation on proposal writing.

After the first part, participants or teams of participants will be required to write a concrete research proposal including a funding concept and work plan at their home university. Guidance through electronic consulting by the experts and where logistically possible also workplace consulting, will be provided. Then these proposals will be assessed before the second part begins.

The fine tuning of the research proposals will take place during the second part of the course which will be also held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in April, 2008.

Participants will be invited for the second part if their proposal complies with quality standards and after having been successfully assessed by the expert team.
During the Welcome Address   
Dr. Christian Huelshoerster, Director DAAD Cairo Office   
Mrs. Karina Haeuslmeier,
Head of Cultural Department, German Embassy
Welcome Address by Prof. Dr. Maged El Sherbiny,
Assistant Minister for Scientific Research
From left: Dr. Christoph Hlshrster, Director of the DAAD office Cairo, Prof. Hassan Nadeer Kayr Allah, President of Alexandria University and Prof. Dr. Maged El-Sherbiny, Assistant Minister for Scientific Research   
The key-note address by Prof. Dr. Moataz Khorshid, Director of the Arab Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research   
Introduction of participants and their expectations by
Dr. Siawuch Amini, Institute for Socio-cultural Studies, Universitt Kassel and 
Prof. Dr. Brigitta Schtt, Department of Earth Sciences   
The workshop participants   
The key-note address by
Prof. Dr. Moataz Khorshid, Director of the Arab Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research   
Dr. Babette Regierer, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitt Potsdam and Dr. Siawuch Amini, Institute for Socio-cultural Studies, Universitt Kassel   
The working groups in action   
The working groups in action