Announcement of the Research Grants 2006/2007 winners
One of the top-listed candidates raises his hand to confirm his attendance   
A group photo with Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Dr. Mohamed El-Faham, Dr. Magdy Madkour, Research Grants winners and candidates and the CSSP organizing team   
Dr. Mohamed El-Faham meets with the top-listed candidates of the Research Grants 2006/2007 program   
Dr. Mohamed El-Faham meets with the top-listed candidates of the Research Grants 2006/2007 program   
Dr. Mohamed El-Faham, Director of the CSSP and Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the BA, preparing for Dr. Serageldin's presentation   
Dr. Mohamed El-Faham's evening exercise: "Please switch off you mobile phones before any presentation"