During the Welcome Address
Dr. Christian Huelshoerster, Director DAAD Cairo Office
Mrs. Karina Haeuslmeier, Head of Cultural Department, German Embassy
Welcome Address by Prof. Dr. Maged El Sherbiny, Assistant Minister for Scientific Research
From left: Dr. Christoph Hlshrster, Director of the DAAD office Cairo, Prof. Hassan Nadeer Kayr Allah, President of Alexandria University and Prof. Dr. Maged El-Sherbiny, Assistant Minister for Scientific Research
The key-note address by Prof. Dr. Moataz Khorshid, Director of the Arab Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Introduction of participants and their expectations by Dr. Siawuch Amini, Institute for Socio-cultural Studies, Universitt Kassel and Prof. Dr. Brigitta Schtt, Department of Earth Sciences
The workshop participants
Dr. Babette Regierer, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitt Potsdam and Dr. Siawuch Amini, Institute for Socio-cultural Studies, Universitt Kassel
The working groups in action