What is the Visiting Scholar Program (VSP)?
Furthering the role of the new library of Alexandria in acting as a center for learning, tolerance, dialogue and understanding, the BA requests scholars to visit the library to disseminate and exchange knowledge with other scholars, researchers and students working in the same field of expertise.
This comes in addition to the participation of the scholar in scientific events taking place in the library and providing lectures, workshops or seminars where participation of an external scholar can provide a cross-cultural or international perspective.
The Visiting Scholar will be involved in a variety of local and community activities aimed at strengthening the international resources and programs of the CSSP specifically and the BA and community in general.
The Visiting Scholar Program aims at helping raise the profile & strengthening the international relations between the visiting scholar & other scholars, researchers & students, as well as collaborate with the scholars to expand the international expertise in order to develop a new international or area program and to initiate an exchange program with the scholar's home institution.