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As the result of the health intervention implementation, the number of years lost per 100,000 population in the population of interest would be reduced. The anticipated impact of the health intervention i, AIk(i), on the population health associated with the disease/cause of death k is

AIk (i) = MTk/MRk)*Pk*(Dk-DDk (i)+ 100,000*[(Ak-AAk (i))+(Bk-BBk (i))/3]/N*365,


MTk , MRk , Pk , and N are defined on the slide Q-INDEX: DEFINITION (cont.);

DDk (i) : crude mortality rate due to the cause of death k estimated after assuming that intervention i was successfully implemented;

AAk (i) : number of inpatient days due to disease k calculated after assuming that intervention i was successfully implemented;

BBk (i) : number of outpatient visits due to disease k calculated after assuming that intervention i was successfully implemented.

Health intervention priority index, HIPI(i), pertaining to the health intervention i is
