Laboratory Quality Strengthening

Decentralization of CD4 testing in resource-limited settings : 7 years of experience in six African countries

Marinucci, F. | 2011
  • Author(s): Marinucci, F.
  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Pages: 368--374
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, disease control, aids, capacity building, africa south of sahara, nigeria, uganda, kenya, zambia, tanzania, rwanda
For the past 7 years, the Institute of Human Virology of the University of Maryland School of Medicine has implemented a flexible and sustainable three-phase model to support accessibility to reliable CD4 counting at the point of service. CD4 testing capacity was established in 122 of 229 (53%) lab.

Implementation of a quality systems approach for laboratory practice in resource-constrained countries

Martin, Robert | 2005
  • Author(s): Martin, Robert
  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • Pages: 59--65
  • Keywords: health services, disease control, scientific facilities, quality control, capacity building
In this article a process for the implementation of a quality systems approach for a laboratory in a resource-constrained country is presented.

Global laboratory systems development : needs and approaches

Martin, Robert and Barnhart, Scott | 2011
  • Author(s): Martin, Robert and Barnhart, Scott
  • Publisher: Saunders [etc.]
  • Pages: 677--691
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, disease control
This article discusses the needs for the development of integrated laboratory systems in resource-constrained countries and provides an overview of current efforts addressing laboratory systems development in these countries.

Laboratory information management systems in resource-limited environments

Martin, Robert and Timperi, Ralph and Krishnamurthy, Ramesh | 2008
  • Author(s): Martin, Robert and Timperi, Ralph and Krishnamurthy, Ramesh
  • Publisher: Rockefeller foundation
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, information systems
This paper discusses the implementation of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) in resource-limited settings. It describes activities of government agencies, donor organizations, and professional organizations and some countries’ experiences with implementation of a LIMS.

Implementation of proficiency testing in conjunction with a rechecking system for external quality assurance in tuberculosis laboratories in Mexico

Martinez-Guarneros, A. | 2003
  • Author(s): Martinez-Guarneros, A.
  • Publisher: International union against tuberculosis and lung disease
  • Pages: 516--521
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, disease control, tuberculosis, mexico
To evaluate the quality of AFB microscopy, the Mexican Secretary of Health National Reference Laboratory implemented proficiency testing for its network of 637 laboratories. The results showed that external quality assessment and training improve diagnostic performance.

About this portal

This portal provides background information for KIT's training programme on laboratory quality management, which enables laboratories in resource-constrained countries to improve the quality of their services. Use the searchbox to find resources in the database.