Laboratory Quality Strengthening

Dissatisfaction with the laboratory services in conducting HIV related testing among public and private medical personnel in Tanzania

Mfinanga, S.G. | 2008
  • Author(s): Mfinanga, S.G.
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, health personnel, disease control, aids, tanzania
This study assessed satisfaction of medical personnel to services provided by public and private laboratories in Tanzania, so as to guide process of quality improvement of the services for testing HIV infection and monitoring treatment.

Guidelines for safe work practices in human and animal medical diagnostics laboratories : recommendations of a CDC-convened, biosafety blue ribbon panel

Miller, J. Michael | 2012
  • Author(s): Miller, J. Michael
  • Publisher: Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: guidelines, scientific facilities, health services
This report offers guidance and recommends biosafety practices specifically for human and animal clinical diagnostic laboratories and is intended to supplement the 5th edition of Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, developed by CDC and the National Institutes of Health.

Public health laboratory systems development in East Africa through training in laboratory management and field epidemiology

Mosha, Fausta | 2011
  • Author(s): Mosha, Fausta
  • Publisher: The Pan African medical journal (PAMJ)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: training programmes, health personnel, scientific facilities, health services, east africa
This paper discusses the Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP), that was developed as a tool to develop laboratory epidemiologists to operate public health laboratories and networks, and field epidemiologists to operate public health surveillance and response systems.

Laboratory quality regulations and accreditation standards in Iran : case report

Mossalaeie, Mir Majid | 2009
  • Author(s): Mossalaeie, Mir Majid
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Pages: 316--
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, standards, iran
This is a short case report on quality regulcations and accreditation of clinical laboratories in Iran.

Strengthening laboratory management towards accreditation : the Lesotho experience

Mothabeng, David | cop. 2012
  • Author(s): Mothabeng, David
  • Publisher: AOSIS OpenJournals
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health services, standards, africa, lesotho
The Lesotho Ministry of Health and Social Welfare’s strategic plan, addresses issues of accreditation, indicating their commitment to fulfilling their mandate. The programme had a measurable and positive impact on laboratories in Lesotho.

About this portal

This portal provides background information for KIT's training programme on laboratory quality management, which enables laboratories in resource-constrained countries to improve the quality of their services. Use the searchbox to find resources in the database.