Laboratory Quality Strengthening

Assessment of ethical and other professional standards in private medical laboratories : Osun state experience

Muhibi, M.A. and Hassan, A.O. and Muhibi, M.O. | 2012
  • Author(s): Muhibi, M.A. and Hassan, A.O. and Muhibi, M.O.
  • Publisher: Academic journals
  • Pages: 7--9
  • Keywords: professional ethics, standards, scientific facilities, health services, nigeria
This study assessed compliance of private medical laboratories with ethical and other professional standards as prescribed by the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN) pre and posts the inspection by the MLSCN.

External quality assessment of malaria microscopy in the Democratic republic of Congo

Mukadi, Pierre | 2011
  • Author(s): Mukadi, Pierre
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: quality control, malaria, disease control, scientific facilities, health services, congo
External quality assessments (EQA) are an alternative to cross-checking of blood slides in the quality control of malaria microscopy. This study reports the findings of an EQA of malaria microscopy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The operation, quality and costs of a district hospital laboratory service in Malawi

Mundy, C.J.F. | 2003
  • Author(s): Mundy, C.J.F.
  • Publisher: Royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene
  • Pages: 403--408
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, hospitals, malawi
This study provides data on the operation, quality, and costs of a district laboratory service in Malawi. The findings of this study are likely to be relevant to other low-income countries with similar disease burdens.

African labs : among world's least-resourced : why lab accreditation is next step in improving healthcare quality in Africa

Murphy, Anna | 2009
  • Author(s): Murphy, Anna
  • Publisher: HBL media
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, standards, africa south of sahara
Although the past decade has seen large-scale investment in laboratory equipment and resources in Africa few meet international accreditation standards. Global Health TV reports on why improved practices are critical to improving care and saving lives.

Challenges and opportunities for accreditation of conformity assessment and test houses in Tanzania

Mutabazi, Beatrice | 2006
  • Author(s): Mutabazi, Beatrice
  • Publisher: SADCA
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health services, scientific facilities, quality control, standards, tanzania
This article highlights the need for accreditation of test houses, certification bodies, inspection bodies and other government agencies dealing with conformity assessment of products and services in Tanzania as part of the need to regulate their competence.

About this portal

This portal provides background information for KIT's training programme on laboratory quality management, which enables laboratories in resource-constrained countries to improve the quality of their services. Use the searchbox to find resources in the database.