Rural Decentralization and Local Governance

Local governance and production programme (LGPP) in Bangladesh : project document

Barkat, Abul | 2002
  • Author(s): Barkat, Abul
  • Publisher: Human development research centre (HDRC)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: governance, economic development, development projects, poverty alleviation, democracy, gender, empowerment, bangladesh
This is the initiation report of a SIDA project to help reduce poverty by promoting local economic development and undertaking interventions that directly assist in the social and economic empowerment of the poor. It includes supporting democratic processes and gender equality.

Searching for a new land rights paradigm by focusing on community-based natural resource governance

Barnes, Grenville and Child, Brian | 2012]
  • Author(s): Barnes, Grenville and Child, Brian
  • Publisher: World bank
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: capacity building, community participation, privatization, land rights
This paper makes the case for reconsidering communal property rights in land administration, since communal rights may not naturally evolve into private individual rights. It is argued that sustainable development can best be achieved by enhancing the adaptive capacity of communities.

Community driven development in Bangladesh : factors behind the reality

Baroi, Harold Sougato and Rabbani, Golam | 2011
  • Author(s): Baroi, Harold Sougato and Rabbani, Golam
  • Publisher: Canadian academy of oriental and occidental culture
  • Pages: 74--81
  • Keywords: community development, empowerment, poverty alleviation, forest management, health services, microcredit, bangladesh
A review of community driven development in Bangladesh demonstrates that both formal and informal organizations can bring about people centric development through empowerment. Successful cases include social forestry, community-based health management, microfinance, and cereal banks.

PPP, infrastructure, and decentralization : perspectives for Senegal

Barro, Abdoulaye | 2006
  • Author(s): Barro, Abdoulaye
  • Publisher: Institute for public-private partnerships (IP3)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: decentralization in government, co-operation between organizations, private sector, public sector, local government, infrastructure, legislation, senegal
This article examines the progress of Public-Private Partnerships in Senegal with regard to legal, institutional and regulatory settings, and demonstrates how decentralization could help PPP and boost local infrastructure development.

Community-driven development in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas : experiences from east Asia : background paper for the 2011 World development report

Barron, Patrick | 2011
  • Author(s): Barron, Patrick
  • Publisher: World bank
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: community participation, development projects, conflict, development strategies, world bank, local government, indonesia, philippines, thailand, timor-leste
This paper provides a framework for assessing the impacts of (Community-Driven Development) CDD projects in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas. A major set of challenges relates to the impact of violent conflict on the capacity and legitimacy of institutions at multiple levels.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Decentralization and Local Governance.