Rural Decentralization and Local Governance

Recognising indigenous rights in land use planning governance

Barry, Janice and Porter, Libby | 2010]
  • Author(s): Barry, Janice and Porter, Libby
  • Publisher: University of Warwick
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: natural resources, governance, indigenous populations, community participation, legal aspects, political aspects, land use, development planning
Established planning texts appoint Indigenous peoples to pre-defined positions and create authority structures that are often grounded in Western legal and political conventions traditions and may not correspond to the governance aspirations or structures of individual Indigenous groups.

Land registration usage theory : a case study in Ghana

Barry, Michael and Roux, Lani and Danso, Ephraim | cop. 2012
  • Author(s): Barry, Michael and Roux, Lani and Danso, Ephraim
  • Publisher: World bank
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: governance, decision-making, customary law, leadership, land acquisition, land tenure, ghana
The paper presents a 3-stage theory to examine why and how people register or choose not to register their land, using a case from the outskirts of Accra. The situation mirrored the one elsewhere in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa. Land sales have benefited few and leaders have manipulated the rules.

Poverty, policies and perceptions in Tanzania : an evaluation of Dutch aid to two district rural development programmes

Bartelink, Alexander A. and Aarden, Ton | 2004
  • Author(s): Bartelink, Alexander A. and Aarden, Ton
  • Publisher: Ministry of foreign affairs. Policy and operations evaluation department (IOB)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development assistance, bilateral aid, rural development, poverty alleviation, local government, programme evaluation, tanzania, netherlands
This evaluation examines the extent to which interventions supported by the Netherlands in the framework of the District Rural Development Programmes in Tanzania have addressed the fundamental causes of rural poverty as perceived by the various stakeholders in the programmes.

Decentralization and rural service delivery in Uganda

Bashaasha, Bernard and Mangheni, Margaret Najjingo and Nkonya, Ephraim | 2011
  • Author(s): Bashaasha, Bernard and Mangheni, Margaret Najjingo and Nkonya, Ephraim
  • Publisher: International food policy research institute (IFPRI)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: decentralization in government, public services, rural areas, research, education, health, agricultural extension, natural resources, uganda
The paper documents the state of knowledge regarding rural service provision in Uganda under decentralization and identifies knowledge gaps for further investigation. Its focus is on education, health, and agricultural advisory services, as well as the management of natural resources in Uganda.

Political decentralization and the effectiveness of aid

Baskaran, Thushyanthan and Bigsten, Arne and Hessami, Zohal | 2011
  • Author(s): Baskaran, Thushyanthan and Bigsten, Arne and Hessami, Zohal
  • Publisher: GŲteborgs universitet]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: decentralization in government, development strategies, poverty alleviation, child health, economic growth, africa, latin america, caribbean region, asia and the pacific
Analysis of data for three important development goals (increasing economic growth, lowering infant mortality, and overcoming poverty) in 81 countries (1990-2009) suggests that aid is not more effective in decentralized countries.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Decentralization and Local Governance.