Rural Decentralization and Local Governance

Potential for conflict : community forestry and decentralisation legislation in Nepal

Belbase, Narayan and Regmi, Dhrubesh Chandra | 2002
  • Author(s): Belbase, Narayan and Regmi, Dhrubesh Chandra
  • Publisher: International centre for integrated mountain development (ICIMOD)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: forestry, forest management, community participation, forestry legislation, local government, conflict, decentralization in government, natural resources, natural resources policy, environmental management, nepal
Contradictions and conflicts in the Nepalese legislation regarding decentralization and the devolution of powers to local communities over forest resources are analysed. There is a need for more consultation between forest user groups and local, elected institutions.

Examining relationships between customary and state institutions in Ghana's decentralized system

Belden, Cory | 2010
  • Author(s): Belden, Cory
  • Publisher: International food policy research institute (IFPRI)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: decentralization in government, customary law, leadership, legislation, ghana
The Ghanaian chieftaincy has been resilient to “modernization”--maintaining land rights, allegiance from citizens, and influence in rural communities. This study looks for factors that might explain the state’s deficiency in policy regarding chiefs, also with regard to the development outcome.

Module 13: Strengthening rural governance, institutions, and citizen participation using ICT

Belden, Cory and Birner, Regina | cop. 2011]
  • Author(s): Belden, Cory and Birner, Regina
  • Publisher: World bank. Agricultural and rural development (ARD)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: civil society, nongovernmental organizations, local government, public services, agricultural development, communication technology, information technology, rural areas, governance
ICT for governance, in the form of e-governance, e-services, and e-democracy, is a vital component of rural development. How governments, civil society groups, and NGOs offer their services in rural areas determines the extent to which improvements in agriculture reduce poverty.

Blurring the boundaries : citizen action across states and societies : a summary of findings from a decade of collaborative research on citizen engagement

Benequista, Nicholas and Gaventa, John | 2011
  • Author(s): Benequista, Nicholas and Gaventa, John
  • Publisher: Development research centre on citizenship, participation and accountability (Citizenship DRC)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: popular participation, governance, development projects, development strategies, economic development, political participation, civil society, religious aspects
This report argues that the 'good governance' agenda is due for a citizen-led upheaval: citizens can in fact galvanize and lead fundamental governance reform themselves. It also suggests how best to formulate context-specific strategies for pursuing a citizen-led development agenda.

Putting citizens at the centre : linking states and societies for responsive governance : a policy-maker's guide to the research of the Development research centre on citizenship, participation and accountability

Benequista, Nicholas and Gaventa, John and Barrett, Gregory | 2010
  • Author(s): Benequista, Nicholas and Gaventa, John and Barrett, Gregory
  • Publisher: University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS). Development research centre (DRC) on citizenship, participation and accountability
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: governance, popular participation, decentralization in government, democracy, accountability, political participation, civil society
This note provides a guide to key findings on how citizen participation and engagement can contribute to development, strengthen democratic and responsive states, and help to realise human rights.

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