
Vaccination: Better Safe than Sorry
(Health and Diseases)

Vaccination helps protect the human body from serious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, or germs through the administration of antigenic material to stimulate an individual’s immune system to develop adaptive immunity to a pathogen.

The Science Behind Magnetic Cards
(Inventions and Innovations)

When shopping, swiping a plastic card sounds easier and more convenient than carrying large amounts of cash around. Have you ever wondered about the physics behind this small plastic card?

Need for Speed
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

What constant speed will provide the best mileage. We will assume you are going on a very long highway trip and want to know what speed will give you the best mileage.

Development of Light
(Inventions and Innovations)

Light is an essential part of our lives, it has revolutionized the way we live. In the olden days, people did not have access to reliable light sources all day long as we do nowadays.

Sun Might
(Earth Sciences)

Every day the Sun shines, sending its rays to Earth, a blessing to the living creatures on its surface.

What Happens When You Stop Eating?
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

If you are anything like me you probably have a love/hate relationship with food that begins with you attempting to watch your calories and ends up with you giving in to temptation, living with the guilt and/or spending hours at the gym trying to burn it off.

Location Tracking Technologies
(Inventions and Innovations)

Getting lost has become less of a concern over the years as technology involving location tracking keeps improving. The most commonly known location tracking technology is the Global Positioning System (GPS).

Potato Battery
(Science Fun Time: Stories and Activities)

Potatoes are great and tasty; there are hot potatoes, French fried potatoes, baked potatoes and scalloped potatoes.

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
(Human Body)

The success or failure of any criminal investigation often depends on the recognition of physical evidence left behind at a crime scene and the proper analysis of that evidence.

How Ebola Works
(Health and Diseases)

As the number of cases of Ebola virus disease continues to rise, flight restrictions are put in place and the media frenzy continues, you may be asking yourself: What is Ebola and how does it work?

How Rainbows Form?
(Earth Sciences)

There is nothing like looking up to the sky and seeing a rainbow to put a smile on your face. They are a beautiful natural occurrence, a perfectly formed arch made of colors.

Blood Pressure Gauge
(Health and Diseases)

The human heart is an amazing pump, it works reliably for decades, and it safely pumps blood—one of the trickiest and most sophisticated liquids around.

International Tiger Day: 29 July
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Tigers are among the most magnificent animals in the world. However, they are also vulnerable to extinction. A hundred years ago, there were 100,000 tigers in the wild; but today, there are as few as 3,200.

Arctic Methane Release
(Earth Sciences)

Methane is the main ingredient of natural gas and an extremely potent greenhouse gas, far more powerful than carbon dioxide. Over 60% of the total of the methane emitted is from natural sources.

The Amazon Gets Less and Less Green
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

In a world threatened by its own carbon footprint, the forests of the Amazon are its largest absorber of carbon dioxide. Satellites have shown beyond doubt that deforestation in the Brazil’s Amazon jungle has reached a dramatic level.

(Computers and Information Technology)

Every year we buy a new updated electronic equipment and gadgets to support our needs and wishes. Nearly most of the discarded consumer electronics end up in landfills.

Lead: See Where It Led!
(Health and Diseases)

In spite of its diverse uses, lead poses a threat to human health. Lead is a metal found in the Earth’s crust and has been used for years, its bad effect on human health has been known but only recently people and governments.

Palm Oil: A Curse or A Blessing?
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Many countries economies’ depend on agriculture and the yield that comes from their soil. When a certain crop is produced on a large scale and sold for profit, it is known as a crash crop.

The Blue Whale
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

As new species everyday face the risk of extinction, “survival for the fittest” becomes a bitter reality that cannot be ignored. Although Blue Whales are the largest creatures on Earth.

Sun Power: Initiatives for the Future
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

With the power cuts we have been suffering from, would it not be wonderful if each person generates their own power and not have to rely on the power grid?

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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