IV. Volume
The Egyptians had different systems for liquid and dry measures of volume. Liquids were measured in various kinds of jars, such as ds for beer. The capacity of most of these is unknown, except for hnw equal to 0.48 Liter. The most common dry measure of volume was for grain. The standard unit of measurement was HqAt, equal to 4.8 Liters. It had different multiples:
9.6 Liters
19.21 Liters
48 Liters
The ancient Egyptian employed the Eye of Horus
wDAt and its parts to express measures and weights. They divided the eye into six units and used them for measuring and weighing grains. It starts with ½, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64.
1 HqAt 1/2 1/8 1/32