About the Course


The Professional Digital Marketing diploma is a general, foundation-level digital marketing certification that covers all key digital channels. It is important for the following parties:

It is made for beginners and professionals, introducing them to all core digital marketing disciplines, such as: SEO, PPC, display marketing, e-mail marketing, social media, mobile use, analytics, strategy, and planning.



Diploma Modules

1. Introduction to Digital Marketing:

What is it all about? how do you reach customers? how can traditional and digital media work together to create a water-tight campaign that speaks its truth across every channel? This module takes you through all the basics, helps you explore the buyer’s journey, and stays rooted in practice. The goal is always to keep things clear and actionable.

2. Content Marketing

Digital marketing is fascinating and powerful because it is people-orientated; yet also data-driven. You get to engage with how people think, and also see how and what they do. This module is about creating content that speaks to people; and also about sending it out into the big, wide digital world at the right time and via the right channels. Best of all, you get the ability to see what works

3. Social Media Marketing

It is not just social media marketing, it is also a big, warm, pleasurable social media experience for your audience. Your brand needs to ring loud and clear through all the right platforms, and we are going to show you how. Learn how to grow and engage a community around your offering. Give these people more to care about. Reach further with paid marketing and get deeper insights.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You need to/want to be found; which means you must make yourself reachable. Search engine optimization is all about getting on that first Google page, staying on top of the list and on top of the mind. Learn the tricks of the trade such as: keywords, what kind of content attracts attention, how to create more engagement, and the magical art of conversion. There is so much to “like”.

5. Paid Search (PPC) with Google Ads

Learn how to launch Pay-Per-Click campaigns using: Google Ads, bid auctions, how to squeeze every drop of value out of paid search campaigns, the tracking of successful conversions, Google Analytics and more. This is turbo-charged marketing practice with pinpoint precision.

6. YouTube and Display Advertising

Learn how to set up, manage, analyze and optimize a channel worthy of much viewing. Also release the sales power of Google Display Network and more. Visual is where it is at.

7. Email Marketing

Are e-mail lists still relevant? Of course! An e-mail is sent to your virtual home address so it is important to do it right, so that the e-mail gets opened and starts your target on a click-through journey of discovery. You will also learn how it can all be automated for maximum efficiency; not to mention the all-important regulatory details.

8. Website Optimization

What makes a winning website? This module gives you the skills to create a simple, well-designed, optimized WordPress site that not only looks good, but also delivers for your business goals and solutions stay lined-up, nice and clear. Also, let’s get user-centric with best practice of UX and go deep with data; activity tracking means insight and insight is power.

9. Analytics Using Google Analytics

Be all-seeing, and all-knowing. This module helps you unleash the awesome capability of data, discover what your customer wants, likes, needs and does, and go deep inside their journey so you can perfect their seamless path to purchase and beyond. This is not just great power, it is super power. We also cover the legal details because with that thrilling, addictive power comes responsibility.

10. Digital Marketing Strategy

We give you capability, influence, reach, data, insight and tools, tools, and more tools. But you still need solid objectives; otherwise you are drunk on power, driving a high-performance sports car round and round in circles on your way to the corner shop. That is why we tie it all together with a strategy module; to have a big and clear vision of where you really want to go, and make it actionable with budget, channel, media plans, key performance indicators, and more.

11. Digital Marketing for information institution (optional)

An additional practical module prepared by the BA offers a unique chance to learn how to apply what has been studied in the main 10 modules; it also covers the key areas required for a skilled digital marketer in information, and culture sectors.

This module aims at strengthening the role of information and cultural institutions through the global methodologies and applications of digital marketing. It also aims to qualify professionals and develop their skills to find suitable jobs in their sectors, through bridging the gap between their academic knowledge and the labor market requirements.

Delivery method

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and related lockdown and physical distancing measures caused not only unprecedented disruption in the provision of education and training, but also catalyzed innovation in distance learning.

Thus, in response to COVID-19, we will deliver our courses online until it is safe to be in class.

Why Moodle?

Moodle is the most popular open-source learning management system. The BA e-learning services platform provides a wide range of features that include content delivery, and collaboration between tutors and learners in matters like; content creation or upload, up-to-date e-materials, discussion forums, assignments, quizzes, and monitoring of users' online activity, and much more.

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Course Info

Delivery Languages: English/Arabic
Duration: 30 credit hours – 3 months.


  • The 5th round (August )
  • The deadline is a week before the round start date
  • Required documents for enrolment:
    1) Updated CV 2) Motivation letter
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