Science Supercourse Day
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is celebrating the launch of its new project The Science Supercourse by holding the Science Supercourse Day on 5 January 2009.

The Science Supercourse Project intends to build a knowledge network in four main scientific domains namely: Medicine, Engineering, Environment and Agriculture. This is to be achieved through a collection of 100,000 golden PowerPoint lectures from scientists worldwide and making them accessible via the Internet, to allow an international portal of organized coherent knowledge and networking communities of practice from all around the globe.

Eminent leading experts are invited to focus on the importance of internet based knowledge and how can it be beneficial to these four scientific domains.

The Science Supercourse Day will start the networking process, explain the quality control methodology and give many the chance to listen to the insights of leaders in science and technology.

Registration Fees:

Graduate Students, M.Sc.and PhD students and Postdoctoral Researchers: EGP 20
Group Registration for 5 persons: EGP 10

Deadline for registration: 30 December 2008

!! Register now as places are limited !!

To view "Science Supercourse" related videos, please click here

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Vinton G. Cerf
Vinton G. Cerf

Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google.

Gilbert Omenn
Gilbert Omenn

AAAS President, and Professor of Medicine, Genetics, and Public Health, University of Michigan

Salah Soliman
Salah Soliman

Professor of Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University

Ronald Laporte
Ronald Laporte

Professor of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

Hisham El-Sherif
Hisham El-Sherif

Chairman & CEO, IT Investments, Cairo, Egypt                        

Magdy Madkour
Magdy Madkour

Head of Biotechnology, Arid Lands Agricultural Research Institute, Ain Shams University, Egypt

Magdy H. Nagi
Magdy H. Nagi

Head of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector, Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Mahmoud Solh
Mahmoud Solh

Director General of International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Mostafa Tolba
Mostafa Tolba

Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, Cairo University; and President, the International Center for Environment and Development (ICED)

Yehia Zaky
Yehia Zaky

Professor of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University; and Head, Academic and Cultural Affairs Sector, Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Adel El-Beltagy
Adel El-Beltagy

Chairman of the Agricultural Research and Development Council, Egypt

Omar El-Arini
Omar El-Arini

Honorary Chief Officer, Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol

Noha Adly
Noha Adly

Director, ICT Departement, Bibliotheca Alexandrina; and Director, ISIS, Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Ismail Serageldin
Ismail Serageldin

Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA)                                        

Fayrouz Ashour
Fayrouz Ashour

Coordinator, Diabetes Supercourse Project, Bibliotheca Alexandrina       

Ahmed Rafea
Ahmed Rafea

Professor, Computer Science, American Uuniversity, Cairo; and Scientific Advisor of the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Expert Systems, Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.