Turning Plastic Waste into Fuel


Starting to realize that we have only our one Earth to live on, people are taking responsible steps to find solutions for sustainable living. One way of doing so is to have a business preoccupied with providing fuel solutions, and one such company exists by the name of Cynar, which basically converts plastic bags into fuel to run cars.

What is notable about this Company is that it uses “end-of-life” plastics, which usually are thrown into a landfill and not reused, and this is problematic because they can release hazardous chemicals into the environment. The amount of plastic produced annually is staggering; what was produced during the last ten years exceeds that of the past 100 years. These plastic products usually end up polluting our environment. What we do is use this plastic for a short term, but once we no longer have a use for it, it becomes a long-term environmental problem that will outlive us all. 

Cynar uses these plastic wastes by recycling them and turning them into synthetic fuel through a process known as pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is a process of thermal degradation of a material in the absence of oxygen. Plastics are shredded and turned into small pieces which are then heated in an oxygen-free environment to prevent them from burning. Then, they are broken into their component hydrocarbons to create the equivalent of a petroleum distillate, which can then be separated into different fuels. The final products are cleaner and lower in sulphur. In the case of producing diesel, it is of higher quality than regular diesel fuel and produces less carbon dioxide, making it a cleaner and more environmentally friendly solution.


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