Camping Safety Tips


Warm summer weather is always tempting for outside activities; a camping holiday can be fun for all family members. Pitching your tent is one of the least expensive accommodation options for a holiday. To ensure the camping experience goes smoothly and enjoyably, it is important to be aware of few things that can make camping a safer activity.

It is preferred to arrive at the camping site before sunset, to assess the site before pitching the tent. It is a good idea to watch where other neighboring campers have made fires or set up barbecues, stoves, and heaters. Tents should be positioned well apart from each other to prevent the risk of a fire spreading; it is recommended that tents are pitched at least six meters apart.

One should practice putting up the tent before going on the trip to avoid struggling upon arriving at the campsite. The tent should not be pitched right under a tree, nor on the banks of a river or lake; the external ropes of the tent should not obstruct walkways or tracks to avoid tripping people passing by. Most children accidents happen while parents are busy setting up the tent; it is, therefore, important that children are well supervised during that time.

Fire is a significant risk while you are camping; campfires, barbecues, gas canisters, and camping stoves all need to be handled with care. Cooking on a camping holiday is completely different from cooking in a kitchen; one should ensure that any gas equipment is securely supported when it is used and kept away from children. Cooking inside the tent should be banned, even if the tent is made of fire-resistant material; accumulation of carbon monoxide inside the tent can cause suffocation. Moreover, if the tent is not fire-resistant, naked flames such as candles and lighters should not be used inside the tents. In any case, it is important that there is at least one person in the camping group who knows how to fight a fire to instruct others in case a fire occurs.

When it comes to packing food and water, food planning and preparation is essential, especially when camping for an extended period of time. One should make sure to pack healthy foods in sealed and waterproof containers to keep the food fresh and away from animals. One should also bring along plenty of ice in a cooler to help keep any raw foods at a safe temperature. After handling raw foods, hand sanitizer may be used to kill the germs. When camping in a place away from safe running water sources, on should bring along bottled water for the entire trip; water for cleaning purpose should also be considered.

Drafting a checklist for the necessary items to be in the packing gear is essential. These items should include a torch, first-aid kit, fire distinguisher, sun cream, hiking boots, knife, signal mirror, cell phone, ropes, sufficient amount of food and water, personal-hygiene items, maps and directions, and extra cash. Campers should check the weather forecast before packing and pack clothes for warm, wet, and/or cold weather. Sleeping bags should also be carefully selected to match the campsite temperature, to guarantee comfortable sleeping. Last, but not least, campers should always let someone know about their camping plans, where they will be staying, and when they plan to return.


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