Articles (Sustainability)

Climate Change and Egypt's Battle
(Earth Sciences)

All countries of the world are concerned with the issue of climate change because all countries will suffer its negative impact.

A Tale of Two Trees
(Science Fun Time: Stories and Activities)

If we lose forests, we lose the fight against climate change!

Climate Observations based on ALLATRA SCIENCE
(Earth Sciences)

There is a big risk of misunderstanding and underestimating all the factors and the scale of influence of various processes on global climate change.

She Against the World: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha
(Inventions and Innovations)

A Pediatric Public Health Initiative was announced in 2016 to address the Flint community’s population lead exposure, thanks to Dr. Mona Attisha.

Global Warming…Danger at All Measures! (Part III – Take Action!)
(Earth Sciences)

There are plenty of things we can do to tackle climate change and enjoy a more sustainable lifestyle.

How Sustainable Is The Fashion Industry?
(Education, Business, and Society)

When we talk about protecting the environment and sustainability, for the most part we do not talk about the fashion industry. 

Chemistry and the Environment
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

Chemistry helps scientists discover alternatives to substances harmful to the environment and health; thus, “green chemistry” has been developed.

Blue Gold
(Earth Sciences)

Can you imagine your life without water? Of course not, life without water is impossible; we need water to survive.

Working with Nature
(Education, Business, and Society)

We all have different jobs that impact our societies differently, bur have you ever thought what it would be like if you have a job that mainly aims at protecting and conserving nature?

Green Homes
(Education, Business, and Society)

Usually we think of a traditional-looking house or building, made of concrete and bricks, but has it always been that way?

Fungi Furniture
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Would you imagine sitting on a chair made of fungi? Or dining on a table made of fungi?

The Powers of the Elements: Earth and Fire
(Earth Sciences)

The powers of the four elements of nature neither pollute nor damage our environment; they cannot be controlled by any one nation or industry, and are readily available for free for each human being on the surface of the Earth.

The Powers of the Elements: Air and Water
(Earth Sciences)

The sustainable four elements of nature provide us with a wide set of renewable energies readily available for generating electricity.

(Earth Sciences)

Summer is upon us and the thought of travel will definitely cross our minds, for the unrelenting pace of our lives leaves us with a need to relax and unwind.

Solar Sisters: Lighting Up Communities
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

Many across the world still live in a world where clean energy is not available to them; instead, they rely on expensive and hazardous ways.

Good Agricultural Practices
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) are specific methods when applied to agriculture create food for consumers or further processing that is safe and wholesome. While there are numerous competing conceptions of what methods constitute good agricultural practices, there are several broadly accepted schemes that producers can adhere to. Several food and agricultural organizations and authorities, use good agricultural practices as a collection of principles to apply for on-farm production and post-production processes, resulting in safe and healthy food and non-food agricultural products, taking into consideration economic, social and environmental sustainability. These practices may be applied to a wide range of farming systems at different scales.

(Education, Business, and Society)

With the increasing evidence of human-initiated climate change, people throughout the world are coming together to try to reduce their carbon footprint. Groups are trying to move away from the dependence of fossil fuels and consumerist practices. There is a focus on producing and consuming locally, and living as sustainably as possible. Many initiatives are encouraged, such as reducing energy use, creating sustainable local businesses, localizing farming and creating environmentally minded communities known as “eco-villages”.

Palm Oil: A Curse or A Blessing?
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Many countries economies’ depend on agriculture and the yield that comes from their soil. When a certain crop is produced on a large scale and sold for profit, it is known as a crash crop.

Follow the Frog
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

When we follow the news pertaining to the environment, if we have any sense of responsibility, we tend to feel guilty and limited. We wish we could help, but we do not know how to do so.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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