Fish and shellfish
are an important part of our healthy diet as they are high in good fats,
quality protein, and other essential nutrients while low in saturated fats.
Yet many of these aquatic creatures worldwide are contaminated with
persistent organochlorine compounds (POCs), which include PCBs,
dioxins, and many organochlorine pesticides (e.g., DDT, HCB, lindane,
chlordane). Insofar as these persistent chemicals are highly toxic and
bioaccumulative, a basic understanding of their health impacts is crucial.
The learning objectives of this first half of the lecture hence are to learn
about: (1) the basic nutritional values of fish; (2) the toxicities of POCs;
(3) the tolerance levels of POCs in fish, as so set forth by various health
regulatory authorities worldwide; and (4) the fish consumption patterns
occurring in some of the regions. |