The Challenge of Children's Nutrition in the Era of Processed Food


You may have heard that you need to avoid processed food to live a healthier life. These foods have become an integral part of our daily lives and are widely available in markets and stores, representing a tempting option for many people, as they are easy to prepare and eat. However, these foods are of increasing concern due to their artificial and processed ingredients, which may be harmful to our health and the health of our children.

As a mother, I know well how difficult and exhausting when it comes to feeding our children healthy food all the time. It is even more difficult for working mothers given that their time is very limited to think about a balanced diet or even prepare healthy meals for her children. Sometimes, putting a frozen pizza in the oven or heating up some frozen steak is a faster, easier, and less expensive option to provide a meal for the children to eat. Do not worry, even nutritionists do this from time to time.

These types of ready-to-heat fast foods and packaged snacks dominate the diets of children. They are collectively known as ultra-processed foods, which are industrially processed products, consisting mostly of substances extracted or refined from other foods. These foods are usually high in fat, added sugar and salt, and often contain additives such as colours, flavors, or hydrogenated oils, which are used to change the texture, appearance, and flavour of the food.

Some studies found a link between processed food and some health issues, such as malnutrition, weight gain, high cholesterol, and low fitness levels in children. This sufficient evidence is enough to reduce the amount of this food that the children consume, specially that the dietary habits adopted in childhood usually continue into adulthood.

To identify an ultra-processed food, look at the list of ingredients on the package; if you find a group of items that are not present in your kitchen, such as preservatives, flavor enhancers, artificial sweeteners, etc., so definitely these are ultra-processed foods.

It is also necessary to know the amount of sugar in these foods, especially that added sugars can appear under other names; for example, brown sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, or sweetened with dextrose. Sugar is usually added as it makes these foods irresistible. To be clear, sugars are found naturally in some food, such as fruits and dairy products; these are not a cause for concern. However, added sugars are abundant in less nutritious foods; if the stomachs of children is full of sugary foods, there will be no space for healthy foods.


One of the tricks I usually use with my daughter is to fill half of her plate with vegetables that I know she likes to eat instead of potato chips, and I also offer different kinds of fruits she likes as snacks throughout the day. The more healthy foods she eats, the lesser space will remain for the other bad foods in her stomach.

It is also preferable to prepare food at home as much as possible, so you can control the ingredients and the amount of added sugar and salt. It is recommended to encourage children to drink water regularly to maintain their bodies hydrated and to reduce the consumption of soft drinks and sweetened juices.

In conclusion, always remember to be flexible, and not to make food a source of tension between you and your children. It is also a good idea to consult a pediatrician or dietitian if you have any concerns about your children's nutrition.



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