Articles (Technology)

Warning from WALL-E!
(Science in Arts and Culture)

A cautionary tale that takes place several hundred years in the future, “WALL‑E” reflects how, if misused, technology can ruin our life instead of improving it.

Metaverse: The Future of the Internet?
(Computers and Information Technology)

On 28 October 2021, Mark Zuckerberg changed his company’s name from “Facebook” to “Meta”; a name that focuses on building the “Metaverse”.

Deepfakes: Not Everything You See is Real
(Computers and Information Technology)

Imagine waking up someday to find a perfectly made fake video portraying you practicing some magic tricks. How would you feel about it? Imagine again, how would you feel if this video goes viral?

Rare Bacteria Makes PCR Technology Possible
(Health and Diseases)

Since the new coronavirus pandemic hit the world last year, the PCR test has become familiar to almost everybody. What is PCR technology, how did it start, and what are the challenges it faced at the beginning?

Big Data for Smarter Education
(Education, Business, and Society)

Few people seem to have a clear understanding of what big data in education means, what is the output, or how it can affect the life of students and teachers or coaches and players.

Hydroponics: Soil-less Agriculture
(Earth Sciences)

Farmers use hydroponics to grow plants that need hard-to-maintain soil conditions. This technique depends on growing plants in nutrient solutions with or without the use of an artificial medium to provide mechanical support.

Smart Machines Exploring the World Oceans
(Earth Sciences)

The oceans carry numerous species that are yet to be discovered; the robotics industry and artificial intelligence are making the process much more accessible and affordable.

Communication Technology: Connecting People?
(Computers and Information Technology)

Although some welcome the Internet as an ultimate solution to everything, others fear its curse.

Are we destined for a Dystopian Tech-Future?
(Computers and Information Technology)

Technology in and of itself is neutral; however, depending on how it is used, it can have positive or negative effects.

Chemistry against Crime
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

As nighttime descended, the silence was shattered by the loud barks of an agitated dog that led the Crime Scene Investigation team, who collected and preserved samples and potential evidence. Sounds familiar? 

A History of the World’s Future
(Inventions and Innovations)

With magic numbers such as 2000, 2020, 2222, etc., the years to come have always meant a fantastic world of potential great achievements; yet, prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future.

Air Conditioners and the Spread of Viral Infections
(Health and Diseases)

Air conditioners have become a necessity, especially with global warming; nearly all public places use air conditioners. At this point, everyone wonders: Can air conditioners spread viruses?

Robotic Surgery
(Health and Diseases)

Robotic surgery is a misleading term because it implies that the surgery is performed by a robot; nothing could be further from the truth.

Should Handheld Devices Be Banned for Children under 12 Years?
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

“Mom, can I download a new game? Please Mom, please type in your password here”. My daughter looks at me with pleading eyes as she thrusts her iPad in my hands, not waiting for my answer.

Safe Injection Technology
(Health and Diseases)

Discovering needles in the 1850s is one of the most significant achievements. Despite the widespread of syringes, they caused many problems. To limit them, scietists have invented new injection methods.

Operating Systems: A Computer Story
(Computers and Information Technology)

Nowadays, everyone has a personal computer that they can easily use without any special training or knowledge, thanks to the user-friendly operating systems out there. In the past, things were not that easy though.

The Technologies behind Google Assistant
(Computers and Information Technology)

In the past, only businessmen could have personal assistants; now, thanks to advances in AI, everyone can have an assistant. Can you guess who has helped me research this topic?

Electronic Health Record: a New Era of Healthcare
(Health and Diseases)

Ancient Egyptians offered a huge amount of information recorded on papyrus, teaching us the importance of documentation, especially in the medical field.

Refrigeration: Where to?
(Inventions and Innovations)

Who is not aware of the role of refrigeration? It is the main reason why we are able to preserve food for months without spoiling. In reality, the applications of refrigeration have expanded to include much more. 

Artificial Intelligence between Past and Future
(Computers and Information Technology)

Each era is characterized by a unique invention or discovery; AI is one of the most important modern innovations that changed humanity's path.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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