Earth today, with all the biological richness we feel around us, is the result of 4 billion years of evolution.
From freezing icy, to melting sandy environments, humans inhabit most of the terrestrial spots on Earth. Let us take a tour around the world to examine different houses.
Having worked in science communication for years, I can attest that no issue has been more pressing for our field than climate change.
London is one of the most famous cities and a bright example of sustainability.
A place named the Crooked Forest would sound as a perfect setting for a fairytale; however, it is in fact a non-fictional place in western Poland.
We need not worry, as the future generation of young innovators may change the world.
Change the gas canister and do not forget to throw out the trash too! There has to be a solution.
Earth’s climate has never been of a fixed state; over millions of years, it has changed many times in response to a diversity of natural causes.
A Pediatric Public Health Initiative was announced in 2016 to address the Flint community’s population lead exposure, thanks to Dr. Mona Attisha.
There are plenty of things we can do to tackle climate change and enjoy a more sustainable lifestyle.
What if we do not stop CO2 emissions in the atmosphere?
The impacts of a warming world are scary enough when considered one-by-one. Together, the view is simply shocking!
When I was surfing the internet, a clip popped up displaying a young female elephant painting a picture of an elephant running and holding a flower in its trunk.