Differences in mental abilities, between humans in general, and between women and men specifically, have always been a topic of debate among researchers and scholars.
Sometimes when we miss someone, we wish to see them even if just in our dreams; we then dream of them, but without knowing how dreams occur?
Art and science have been in harmony throughout the ages, contributing to achieve sometimes interesting and strange results; Bio-art is one example of them.
With the technological advances of this age, you can expect what we once thought of as science fiction to be reflected in real life.
Can you imagine your life without water? Of course not, life without water is impossible; we need water to survive.
The Egyptian Ministry of Health warns people every year from eating fesikh to decrease the risk food poisoning that may be fatal if not properly treated.
Women pay a lot of attention to their looks without considering the potential harm of using some products for a long time, the result of which may be the destruction of their beauty, or even illness.
The rich diversity and high level of endemism in the Red Sea is largely attributed to the 2,000 km of coral reef extending along its coastline.
The pacific viperfish, Chauliodus sloani, is one of the most grotesque-looking deep ocean fish in existence; the kind of fish that could be featured in a horror movie.
The elusive giant squid, known to science as Architeuthis dux, is a true sea monster.
Have you ever wondered why we cannot breathe underwater although water contains oxygen.
As we breathe air, our bodies use oxygen from the air to create energy, build cells, and maintain healthy body functions.
Water is the most abundant substance in the human body and is a major component of every cell.