Head, Syria Society for Aquatic Environment Protection (Syria).
Research Scientist and Canadian Forest Service Coordinator, IUFRO Division 8(Canada).
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, United Arab Emirates University (UAE).
Researcher, American Museum of Natural History (USA).
Director, Centre for Middle Eastern Plants-CMEP (UK).
Researcher, Biotechnology Department, Atomic Energy Commission(AEC), Chamber of Prime Minister(Syria).
Director, Species Pages Group, Encyclopedia of Life (USA).
Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt).
Executive Director, Encyclopedia of Life (USA).
Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University (Egypt).
Associate Professor and Head, the Arabic UNL Language Center, International School of Information Science (ISIS), Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt).
Director, Biodiversity Heritage Library (USA).
Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina
James Edwards, Executive Director, Encyclopedia of life
Dr. Ismail Serageldin and Dr. James Edwards. The Sign of the MOU between the Encyclopedia of life and the BA
Dr. Ismail Serageldin and Dr. James Edwards after signing the Arabic EOL Agreement
Opening Session; Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Dr. James Edwards,Dr. Thomas Garnet and Dr. Cynthia Parr
Opening Session; Dr. Ismail Serageldin announcing the Beginning of the Arabic Encyclopedia of Life
Arab biodiversity Experts while listening to the Session
Dr. James Edwards introduce the Encyclopedia of life to the Arab Biodiversity Experts
Dr. James Edwards speaking to the Audience
Dr. Cynthia Parr speaking to the Audience
Dr. James Edwards, Dr. Thomas Garnet and Dr. Ismail Serageldin following the Session
Arab Experts following the Session