Blue, green, or transparent, what is the real color of water? When you look at a glass of water, you see it is colorless; why is it then that when you stand by a lake, sea, or ocean, the water is blue?
Ocean circulation is the vast water motion inside ocean basins; the Sun, wind, Earth’s rotation, tides, and water density discrepancies affect those currents.
Sharks existed one million years before humans and survived for 450 million years; now, they are in danger of extinction.
As new species everyday face the risk of extinction, “survival for the fittest” becomes a bitter reality that cannot be ignored. Although Blue Whales are the largest creatures on Earth.
The oceans, covering some 71% of the Earth’s surface, are the foundation of human life. They have always been a prime source of nourishment for the life it helped generate and served as well for trade and commerce.