The Sun was worshiped by several ancient civilizations, but with their demise, its worship diminish and the knowledge of its healing powers.
Meningitis requires immediate attention, because the complications can be severe; luckily, there are vaccines to combat it.
Whenever I read this story, I ask myself: Is this part of the body really so vulnerable that the Ancient Greeks created a myth about it?
Human health is dependent on biodiversity and on the natural functioning of healthy ecosystems.
A Pediatric Public Health Initiative was announced in 2016 to address the Flint community’s population lead exposure, thanks to Dr. Mona Attisha.
What if we do not stop CO2 emissions in the atmosphere?
Have you ever come across an entertaining personality quiz entitled the “Inkblot Test” while skimming through the Internet? If you have not come across this test yet, let me tell you about it.
Around the world, millions of the poor hope to have a clean glass of water. This seems impossible as the problem of water sanitation increases especially in poor countries.